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The growth in the agriculture sector in 2021-30 is expected to drive the demand for market orientated skilled agricultural workers and agricultural forestry and fishery labourers over the period 2016-30. Growth in the non-marketed services sector will lead to increased demand for health professionals, teaching professionals and personal care workers.
Employment growth in Denmark is expected to be higher in the period 2016-30 (9%) than in the previous period, 2011-16.
Employment is expected to fall in several clerical occupations, as the routine nature of the tasks involved makes them increasingly susceptible to automation in the workplace, leading to workers being replaced by technology to some extent. General and keyboard clerks, numerical and material recording clerks and other clerical support workers are all occupations expected to experience a significant decline in demand in the period 2016-30 due to automation.
Taking into account both occupation and sector effects, the occupations that are expected to show the highest increase in employment are legal, social, cultural and related associate professions and health professionals. Among
market orientated skilled agricultural workers there will be both positive (sectoral change) and negative effects (within occupation shifts); however, the positive effects are expected to outweigh the negative effects over the period up to 2030.
Read more in “2018 skills forecast Denmark” published by Cedefop (2018)
Cedefop skills forecasts estimate the total job openings by the occupational group as the sum of net employment change and replacement needs. Net employment change refers to new jobs created due to the expansion of employment in that sector or occupation. Replacement needs arise as the workforce leaves the occupation due to retirement or career changes. Replacement needs, generally, provide more job opportunities than new jobs, meaning that significant job opportunities arise even in occupations declining in size (i.e. agricultural workers are a typical example, as ageing workers employed in the sector will need to be replaced).
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